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A Guide for Early Responders Supporting Survivors Bereaved by Suicide (Guide)

Developed by the Winnipeg Suicide Prevention Network, A Guide for Early Responders--Supporting Survivors Bereaved by Suicide, is primarily designed for early responders such as police, ambulance personnel, firefighters, emergency personnel, health care providers, spiritual care providers, medical investigators, and funeral directors, all of whom frequently have close and immediate contact with individuals bereaved by a suicide loss. However, it is noted that other service providers may also find the information helpful in their work.

The guide aims to provide information about suicide loss, serving as a valuable resource that can validate and enhance the existing supportive actions taken by professionals. Additionally, it may offer new insights and guidance on suicide alertness, emphasizing prevention and intervention resources, given the increased risk of suicide among survivors of such losses.

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Survivors though over time, and with support, can and do recover and can go on to feel joy and hope in their lives despite the reality and lasting memory of the loss.

A Guide for Early Responders--Supporting Survivors Bereaved by Suicide

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