The Suicide Prevention Resource Center, together with the NORC at the University of Chicago, published a resource guide, Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQIA2S+. Youth: A Resource Guide for Professionals, Families, and Communities. This resource guide, developed with input from LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and those with experiences of suicidal thoughts and behaviours, serves as an innovative tool for families, communities, and professionals working with LGBTQIA2S+ youth aged 10 to 24. Addressing current events, relevant legislation (US), the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the daily challenges these youth face, the guide emphasizes action-oriented strategies to support youth, highlighting positive aspects of LGBTQIA2S+ identity and sources of joy. Strategies discussed include creating protective and affirming environments, increasing competence and confidence among professionals, ensuring services are racially, ethnically, and culturally responsive, strengthening protective factors and reducing risk factors, and strengthening supports to meet basic needs.
Mental Health Promotion and Suicide Prevention for LGBTQIA2S+ Youth--A Resource Guide for Professionals, Families, and Communities
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