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Postvention Across Settings and Sectors: A Resource for Community-based Providers (Guide)

Postvention Across Settings and Sectors: A Resource for Community-based Providers discusses postvention as an organized response following a suicide, aiming to facilitate healing for individuals coping with grief and distress while preventing suicide among those at high risk. Developed by the Ontario Youth Suicide Prevention Life Promotion Collaborative, this guidebook is for community and education-based providers supporting youth and families affected by suicide. With an emphasis on a whole community approach, the objectives of the guide include enhancing providers' understanding of postvention work, guiding organizations in their response to suicide, outlining postvention activities, and providing additional resources (available as of January 2021). The guidebook covers community planning, immediate aftermath, days and weeks following a suicide, and long-term postvention support. Drawing on academic literature, practice-based examples, and lived experiences, the Collaborative consulted stakeholders and engaged individuals with lived experiences to develop this adaptable guide. The guidebook underscores the importance of keeping family and impacted individuals central in postvention efforts, emphasizing the need and primary role of organizations to support those affected by a suicide loss.

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A whole community approach to postvention ensures that in the aftermath of a suicide there is a readiness to provide comprehensive support for families and loved ones in schools, workplaces, and community organizations and settings.

Postvention Across Settings and Sectors: A Resource for Community-based Service Providers

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